About Us

Who we are


DELHI ENGINEERING & MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE is A Self Autonomous Institution Which Provide Management, Technical And Professional Courses.

As a world class academy to impart high-end education in Management, Engineering   and Technology the Institute has strived to meet the growing needs of the industry. This institute equips students to accept challenges in the areas of Management, Engineering and other niche areas of expertise.Institute registered by the Govt. of NCT DELHI. under society registration under Act XXI of 1860.
The three co-ordinates for all the courses offered are theoretical foundations, applied practices and real – life experiences; which are achieved through spacious and comfortable lecture rooms, well-resourced laboratories and hands-on project work in association with various companies. The whole teaching – learning environment is geared towards nurturing innovation and building leadership. 

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Increased specialized and/or transferable skills
With online certification courses there is a high degree of freedom that allows you to strategically build the skills you can apply to your current job, or qualify you for the jb you aspire to have. Skills in leadership and management, finance and accounting, law and ethics, and a range of alternative subject areas can give you advanced abilities applicable across a great many job positions

Networking potential
online courses provide the opportunity to touch base with fellow professionals who are taking part in the same course, but may have very different backgrounds. When using an online study platform, communication with fellow students is easy, and meeting fellow professionals from around the world could have fantastic consequences for your career

The latest and greatest skills

Never be fooled again by the latest updates in technology, business practices, international policy or law, or any significant change in the infrastructure of how international business is conducted. Thanks to our diverse faculties of experts and their extensive combined professional experience, regular short courses with London School of Business & Finance are developed with up-to-the-minute market accuracy so you can be sure you always remain professionally competitive.

Short online courses have a lost of benefits that can help new school-leavers like you take the time to find out where you really want to go next, while always equipping you with brand-new knowledge and skills for your future

“Road-test” your Career or Higher Education Qualification

For many young people, knowing what career to embark upon or what subject to do at university is not always as clear as it should be. Short online courses give you a valuable opportunity to test your interests and give yourself the best chance of finding out which direction you want to head in, inexpensively and conveniently.

Get Practical Skills

Given their compact structure, short online courses focus primarily on the practical application of theory and knowledge. This can be a great advantage if you have chosen to take up employment in the interim before doing a university degree, or if you are looking to practice professional skills before you graduate from university. In every case, taking a short course is going to boost your practical professional abilities in a short space of time

Have Fun Learning

While this aspect of learning may not always be obvious for younger students leaving school, the flexibility involved with being an online student is simply empowering. Study anywhere, anytime, using any of your personal devices, with a rich variety of multimedia learning materials at your disposal. Always have all the course materials you need to complete your course, and always have your work automatically updated on your personal to-do list. The flexibility, convenience, and clear goals characterised by the Interactive learning platform makes learning a pleasure, if not also a lot of fun.

Whether you are a professional and/or a school-leaver you could be completing short online courses to improve your career in as little as three months, studying just a matter of hours per week. And in a matter of seconds, you could be beginning your first short online course with InterActive. Please click below to browse our great selection of short online courses, and start your future, today.



At DEAMI programs are designed to fit your life. You have an option to complete your course through distance / Part Time learning mode and save your time. Moreover, you can start the course at your own convenience any as per our session during the year. What more? Attend the classes too, if you wish to do so. Meet the Expert faculties round the year and get your doubts resolved.


We firmly believe that education should be accessible to all and so the cost of the courses designed makes it affordable for every student.


Carefully chosen real-world cases & assignments are both discussed and used as problem-solving exercises during the programme


What says our students

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